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13. Phm m. Paul lays down his calling prior to execution.
12. Tit l. Instructions for a pastoral assistant in Crete.
11. 2 Tim k. Instructions for a pastoral assistant in Ephesus.
10. 1 Tim j. A cover letter for a returning slave.
9. 2 Thes i. A thank-you letter from Paul in prison.
8. 1 Thes h. Warning against un-Christian thinking.
7. Php g. Exhortation to Christian unity.
6. Col f. Major and lengthy articulation of the gospel.
5. Eph e. Defense of Paul's apostolic authority.
4. Gal d. Advice concerning numerous church problems.
3. 2 Cor c. Instruction concerning the time of Christ's return.
2. 1 Cor b. Consolation concerning Christians who die.
1. Rom a. A severe warning against Judaizers. INSTRUCTIONS: When finished, enter z , press ENTER.
Corrections are possible.
After cursor moves, enter a letter, press ENTER.
Enter a number, press ENTER.
VIII. Final Survey of Paul's Letters
Screen # 18/21 b. Ephesus d. London f. India a. Crete c. France e. Spain
Where Paul had earlier expressed a desire to go.
Where Titus was when Paul wrote him a letter.
Where Timothy was when Paul wrote him both letters. 2. Match. 1. Identify Paul's `Pastoral Epistles.'
VII. Paul's Later Life
Screen # 17/21 d. The letter sent to the church of which Philemon was a member. c. The letter commending Onesimus to his owner. b. Probably the letter Paul sent to the church in Laodicea. a. A letter responding to a visit by Epaphroditus.
EPHESIANS PHILIPPIANS COLOSSIANS PHILEMON 3. Match. 2. Identify Paul's `Prison Epistles.'Screen # 16/21 e. Malta j. Unknown d. Jerusalem i. Tarsus c. Ephesus h. Sicily b. Caesarea g. Rome a. Antioch f. Released
The outcome of Paul's trial as reported in ACTS.
The city in which Paul awaited trial before Caesar.
The island on which Paul's ship was wrecked.
The city in which Paul was kept in prison for two years.
The city in which Paul was taken into protective custody. 1. Match.
VI. Imprisonment
Screen # 15/21 oral reports concerning conditions in the church. c. A letter responding to a formal request for guidance, and to personal visit. b. A lengthy explanation of the gospel, substituting for a section, and a `separation' section. a. A composite letter containing a `severe' section, a `comfort'
b. 1 and 2 Thessalonians 3. Which group of letters did Paul write during this third mission?Screen # 14/21
c. He left as an aftermath of a religious riot.
b. He was driven out by enraged Jews.
a. He was escorted out by public officials. 2. Under what circumstances did Paul depart this city?
a. Corinth b. Ephesus c. Troas
third mission? 1.
In which city did Paul spend the bulk of his time during the
V. Third Mission
Screen # 13/21 Enter letters. d. The lawless one will appear before Christ returns. c. Christians who die will rise again when Christ returns. return? b. How will dead believers share in the benefits of Christ's a. When will Christ return?
Paul's reply in his second letter.
The subsequent problem raised by the Thessalonian people.
The solution provided by Paul in his first letter.
The main problem raised by the people in Thessalonica. 4. Paul's letters to Thessalonica. e. 1 and 2 Timothy, Titus d. Ephesians, Colossians, Philemon, Philippians
c. 1 and 2 Corinthians, Romans
b. 1 and 2 Thessalonians
a. Galatians 3. Which group of letters did Paul write during this second mission?Screen # 12/21
c. Jews from Thessalonica threatened him.
b. A burning desire to preach the gospel in Spain.
a. A vision of a man from Macedonia inviting him. 2. What prompted Paul to preach the gospel in Philippi? Greece, Macedonia, Troas, Miletus, Tyre, Caesarea, Jerusalem. c. Antioch, Galatia, Phrygia, Ephesus, Troas, Macedonia, Derbe, Antioch.
b. Antioch, Salamis, Paphos, Perga, Antioch, Iconium, Lystra,
Athens, Corinth, Ephesus, Caesarea, Antioch.
a. Antioch, Galatia, Troas, Philippi, Thessalonica, Berea, 1. Which of the following is the itinerary of Paul's second mission?
IV. Second Mission
Screen # 11/21ny b. Galatians d. Philippians a. Ephesians c. 1 Timothy 6.
Jerusalem Conference, and is probably the first one Paul wrote?
Which letter of Paul deals mainly with the same problem as the
b. mostly favorable to the Judaizers.
a. mostly favorable to Barnabas and Paul. 5. The Jerusalem Conference made decisions which were ... Enter y or n .
d. Christians must baptize their children.
c. Christians should discontinue keeping Jewish laws.
b. Christians should continue to keep Jewish ceremonies.
a. Christians must practice circumcision.
YES/NO. 4. The teachings of the Judaizers included which of the following?Screen # 10/21
c. to plot revolution against the Romans.
b. to evaluate the teachings of the Judaizers.
a. to silence Barnabas and Paul. 3. What was the purpose of the Jerusalem Conference?
a. 30 B.C. b. A.D. 47 c. A.D. 96 2.
The date of the Jerusalem Conference would be approximately... Enter b or a .
first missionary journey of Barnabas and Paul?
Was the Jerusalem Conference held before or after the
III. The Jerusalem Conference
Screen # 9/21eih e. Galatia j. Salamis d. Derbe i. Perga c. Cyprus h. Paphos b. Antioch (Syria) g. Lystra a. Antioch (Pisidia) f. Iconium
One more!
Still another city evangelized in Turkey.
Another city evangelized in Turkey.
One of four cities evangelized in what is now interior Turkey.
Roman province where the missionaries evangelized four cities.
City where the Assistant decided to go back home.
The other city evangelized on Cyprus.
One of two cities evangelized on the island of Cyprus.
The first area evangelized; home of the senior partner.
City from which the expedition began. 2. First Mission (continued).Screen # 8/21a Enter a letter.
f. Timothy
e. Silas
Junior partner d. Paul
c. Mark
b. Elymas
Senior partner a. Barnabas of which three persons? 1. For the First Missionary Journey, the missionary team consisted
II. First Mission
Screen # 7/21l Use l or u .
Paul gain new insight into the old scriptures.
The Holy Spirit would use radical conversion to help
himself to become self-righteous again.
Paul, always remembering his youth, would never allow
Paul's great zeal would be rechanneled into Christian
appear more definite.
The contrast between Christianity and Judaism would then conversion? Mark each of the following LIKELY or UNLIKELY. 3. Why would God want Paul to be a strong legalist prior to hisScreen # 6/21t Enter t or f .
Peter persuaded Paul to become assistant pastor in Damascus.
several years.
Paul served as an evangelist in Syria and Cilicia for
The church in Beirut called Paul to be its pastor.
ministry in Jerusalem.
The church leaders decided Paul could not do useful
After Paul's conversion, most Jews in Jerusalem hated him.
not trust him.
After Paul's conversion, most Christians in Jerusalem did
2. TRUE or FALSE.Screen # 5/21cdbfgj Enter letters. e. Corinth j. Tarsus d. Barnabas i. Philemon c. Antioch h. Lystra b. Arabia g. Jerusalem a. Achaia f. Damascus
City where Paul became assistant pastor
Man who brought Paul to Antioch
Country where Paul spent 3 years after conversion
City near which Paul was converted
City where Paul studied theology
Paul's birthplace
MATCH. 1. Select correct answers.
I. Preparation for Mission
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